- 🎊 New features
- 1) Main Features
- 1.a) AI Chat and Agents V1 (only available when AI support is enabled)
- Create an agent
- AI Chat
- 1.b) Impact analysis when saving shared objects
- 1.c) Dashboard Control panel
- 1.d) Dynamic Partitions - Linked Columns
- 2) Improvements
- 2.a) Chart improvements
- 2.b) Pivot improvements
- 2.c) View tab reordering
- 2.d) Application layout improvement
🎊 New features
AI Chat and Agents V1 | Chart improvements |
Impact analysis when saving shared objects | Pivot improvements |
Dashboard Control panel | View tab reordering |
Dynamic Partition | Change app layout |
Invisible features |
This release brings a lot of bug fixes and UI improvements.
1) Main Features
1.a) AI Chat and Agents V1 (only available when AI support is enabled)
Create an agent
A new section is available in the left menu panel of KAWA. 👇🏼
A “Data Analyst” agent is available by default in the Agents section. It is trained to generate insights and charts. To create your customized agent, click on the +Agent button.
- Step 1: Give the Agent a display name and a role.
- Step 2: Choose the relevant tools from the pre built list or select a python script.
- Step 3: Add a command and a prompt.
- Step 4: If necessary, give documents to your agent.
Click on the Create button to save your agent. You can edit it anytime later.
AI Chat
- Step 1: Open a sheet.
- Step 2: Click on the top right pink button.
- Step 3: A conversation window will open. Use the "@" symbol to access the list of available agents. Click on the agent you want to call from the list.
1.b) Impact analysis when saving shared objects
This change allows users to have better control and visibility when sharing views, dashboards, and automations.
When sharing:
- Views: The impact analysis ensures all columns used are shared.
- Dashboards: The impact analysis ensures all columns used in widgets and filters are shared columns.
- Automations: The impact analysis ensures the views and columns used are shared.
Message dialog:
- If the impact analysis fails, a message will indicate the following:
1.c) Dashboard Control panel
Controls are now available in the “Dashboards” section. Add a widget from a sheet, and the associated controls (previously created in that sheet) will automatically appear in the Dashboard Control panel.
1.d) Dynamic Partitions - Linked Columns
When you click on the small arrow to edit the properties of a Linked Column, there are now 2 choices:
- STATIC (as before): The join between the main sheet and the linked sheet is based on a fixed list of columns (e.g., Country, Sector).
- DYNAMIC (new, only for links to the same sheet): The join is based on the current grouping columns, so it is no longer fixed and changes with the grouping. Additionally, you have the option to include extra columns beyond the grouping ("includes") or exclude certain columns from the grouping ("excludes").
2) Improvements
2.a) Chart improvements
Color selection
In KAWA, you can now choose colors according to the values of the grouping levels.

Sunburst Chart Feature
→ Supports only “SUM” aggregation
Indicator chart - compare to: Arrow color selection
In the indicator chart, when using the “Compare to” feature, you can now select a custom colors for the arrows.
2.b) Pivot improvements
You can now expand and collapse all groups simultaneously.
2.c) View tab reordering
You can now reorder view tabs by dragging and dropping them. Additionally, the current view is always focused.