

1) Workspaces

Collaboration among users is enabled for Data Sources, Sheets, and Dashboards in a designated workspace. While operating within a Workspace, there is no means to access entities (such as Data Sources, Sheets, or Dashboards) associated with another Workspace.

1.a) My Workspace

When you first login into KAWA, you will be placed by default in your own Workspace. Please refer to the menu located at the bottom left corner to know in which workspace you currently are.👇


1.b) Create a new Workspace


1.c) Add members to a Workspace

Invite people in a workspace you own (or have permissions to do so).


1.d) Workspace members’ permissions

Configure users’ permissions inside a workspace you own (or have permissions to do so).


2. Teams

2.a) My Teams

👉  A team is managed by workspace. It consists of a list of members and is part of a larger list of team. Each team member is designated as either a "Member" or a "Team Admin”.

How to find the teams in your workspace? To manage your teams, go on Settings > Members > Teams 👇


2.b) Create a new Team

👉 In Members > Teams > Click on the + Team button.

You can either create a Sharing Team or a Security Team  
Enter your “Sharing Team” details 👆
Enter your “Security Team” details 👆

2.c) Add members to a Team

When creating a team, the owner adds Workspace members.

If you want to add members to an existing team (and have permission to do so), simply click on your team name to edit the members list.

2.d) Team members’ permissions

Users with “Manage Users” rights
Users with “Row level security policy” rights
Users with both rights
Create Sharing Team
Create Security Team

Each team has:

  • a name
  • at least 1 “Member” (by default the creator of the team)
  • at least 1 “Team Admin” (by default the creator of the team)
It’s now possible to base Row-Level Security rules on team names. Refer to KAWA WIKI > General Concepts > Row-Level Security to know more.
Team Admin
Members with “Manage Users” rights
Members with “Row level security policy” rights
Add members
Assign “Admin” role to user
Remove members
Modify name of team

3) Sharing

3.a) Sharing permissions

In KAWA, the following entities can be shared: DataSources, Sheets, Views, Dashboards and Presentations. In workspaces, all the members can create and update their own private entities.

In order to be able to share entities, you must either be the workspace owner or have the specific flag enabled, cf paragraph above regarding user permissions (Settings > Workspaces > Permissions).
  • In order to share dashboards and presentations, you need this flag:
  • In order to share sheets and views, you need this flag:
  • In order to share datasources, this is the flag you need:
Only owners can share their datasources, sheets, views and dashboards.

3.b) Sharing within Teams

  • Step 1: Open a datasource, sheet, view or dashboard page
  • Step 2: Click on the Share icon (#2 on schema)
  • Step 3: Select Share with teams
  • Team members (not owners) can create a new view (grid, chart or pivot) inside an owner’s sheet. A lock will appear next to the view name.
  • image
  • Team Members are allowed to share this new view with their team. 👇

3.c) Sharing Sheets and Views

In order to share a sheet, click on the following icon:


From there, click on Public sheet, then select the views within that sheet that you wish to share as well (views can be shared on a one-by-one basis later on):


When you click on apply, all the members of the workspace will be able to see this sheet as well as the views that you shared alongside it.

Note that the sheet will be moved to the shared directory of the sheets as well.


In order to share individual views, just do as follows:

Notice that the private views have a lock icon on the corresponding tabs.


Working with shared views

When a view is shared, multiple users can see it and edit it. When someone who does not owns it edits it, the view itself won’t be affected. In order to affect the view itself, one needs to click on the green publish button (It only appears on shared views and for the view owner).


When you publish your changes, all the other users can see the last published version by clicking on:


3.e) Sharing Dashboards and Presentations

This mechanism is similar to the views and sheets sharing.

Make sure that you have the required permissions to share dashboards.

In order to share a dashboard - or a presentation - click on the following icon:


When a dashboard is shared, all its widgets are shared. Clicking on the “Publish” button will make all your changes accessible to other users. Those changes include the content of the widgets, their positions and the dashboard filter configuration.

Only the Owner of the shared dashboard can publish their changes.


If you do not own the shared dashboard and you want to access the latest published updates, click on the Revert icon, as shown below.


3.f) Sharing Datasources

To share a datasource, click on the lock icon as shown below:

Important: A Datasource does not need to be shared for users to access the data it contains.
Data access is managed on row data level access policies (out of the scope of this document).