Your connection details will be encrypted in KAWA’s database and will be decrypted only to import data from your bases when an ETL runs (Manual trigger on the GUI or according to your schedule). It is NOT accessible to KAWA support team.
1. Create a BigQuery service account
Step 1: Create a service account in GCP by going to IAM > service accounts.
Step 2: Select + Create Service Account
from the top of the page.
Step 3: When prompted you will need to add four IAM roles below:
BigQuery User
BigQuery Data Viewer
BigQuery Job User
BigQuery Metadata Viewer
Step 4: Create JSON key
Your service account is now created. Click into the service account and select the Keys
Click Add Key
and make sure you create a JSON key (not a P12 key). The key will be automatically downloaded to your computer.
Refer to this section for more help creating a service account:
2. Configure the provider on KAWA
In the data source section:
- Click on “+” button and choose: “Connect to an external system” (#1 on schema)
- Then, click on “+ Connector ” button next to the data import section (#2 on schema)
- Pick the BigQuery provider (#3 on schema)

- Enter the required connection details for your BigQuery database:
- Data provider name
- JSON Key: Open the file downloaded on Step 4 and copy paste the content.

Click on Test Connection then Create.