- 1. Sheets and data exploration
- 1.a) Grids: Grouping, sorting and filtering
- 1.b) Formulas
- 1.c) Pivot tables
- 1.d) Charts
- 2) Example: Find the cheapest wines with the highest ratings!
Check out this video for a tutorial on KAWA’s new interface:
Playlist of Tutorials here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-glwHeQFKj4jEWqXz16I_RjzslAn2GO-
1. Sheets and data exploration
Sheets are the starting point for exploring and analyzing data in KAWA. You can create a sheet for any table in KAWA by clicking on the “+” icon in the right menu in the “sheet section” and selecting the table on which you want to create a sheet:
Sheet section:
Views provide different ways to look at and work with data in a sheet. There are three types of views: grids, charts and pivot tables. You can switch to a different view by clicking on its name. You can also create, rename, duplicate and delete views by clicking on the Views option menu.
In KAWA, there are three types of views: grids, charts and pivot tables.
1.a) Grids: Grouping, sorting and filtering
In KAWA, Grid views allow to easily explore data using the following features:
- Hide Columns: Hiding columns allows you to customize a view to show only specific columns of the data.
- Filter: Filtering allows you to define criteria to configure which data appears in your views.
- Sort: You can apply multiple sorts to a view, and you can control the order in which sorts are applied by reordering them using the drag handle at the left of each sort condition.
- Group: Each group contains a summary row that can display information about the group’s data like sums, averages, counts, minimum and maximum values, and more.
1.b) Formulas
You can add formulas to your sheet as you would in Excel or Google Sheet.
Click on Add fields button and select Create formula. The formula editor opens, and you can start typing your formula. There are two sections:
- Columns: the list of the available columns in your sheet.
- Functions: the list of functions available in KAWA. This list isn’t static, we can easily add new functions on demand.
Click on Apply button to add the new field in your view.
1.c) Pivot tables
In order to create a new Pivot table, click on Create view button and select Pivot table.
You can configure Pivot Tables by dragging and dropping metrics into the correct areas: Rows, Columns and Values areas.
Like in grids, you can use the sort, filter and top controls to manipulate the data in charts and pivot tables.
The show as feature allows to change the display of the values (% of total, % of row, Difference with…).
1.d) Charts
Charts work the same way. In order to create a new chart, click on Create view button and select Graph/Chart.
- Step 1:
- Drag and drop the columns to use as series and groups from the column lists, or add them thanks to the “+” button. For example, drag the price column into the Series area and the province column into the Group by area.
- A grid with with the selected data appears. Then, select the chart type of your choice.
- Step 2: Configure your data
- You can change the aggregation of the series, apply filters or sort your data. For example, change the aggregation of price from SUM to AVG, and filter on country = France.
- The show as feature allows to change the display of the values (% of total, % of group, Difference with…).
- Step 3: There are many formatting options that can be applied to the chart to improve it. You can go to Design and Settings section to configure the chart formatting.
2) Example: Find the cheapest wines with the highest ratings!
From the Wines sheet, let’s create a chart showing the 3 cheapest wines for each rating.
- Create a new Chart view.
- Add in series price column with the aggregation Avg.
- Add in group by points then title columns.
- Use the Top feature to apply a bottom 3 titles by points filter. For each rating, it will keep the 3 cheapest wines only.
- Select the bar chart type, go to Design section and select the Stacked groups option.
- Filter to only keep the wines with a price lower than 100 euros.