Dashboards & Presentations

Dashboards & Presentations


Check out this video for a tutorial on KAWA’s new interface:

Playlist of Tutorials here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-glwHeQFKj4jEWqXz16I_RjzslAn2GO-

1. Dashboards

An easy way to generate a first dashboard is to use the Create dashboard feature. It automatically generates a first dashboard with relevant and synthetic information.

You can customize this dashboard by drag and dropping and resizing the widgets, or adding the views you have just created by using the Add widgets button.

You can also create an empty dashboard:

  • Go to Insights home page. Click on + Insight button and select Dashboard.
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  • You can then add widgets thanks to the Add widgets button. Widgets can be:
    • Grid, chart or pivot table views: Select the sheet, then click on the view of your choice to add it to your dashboard.
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    • Text and image block: In Add widgets panel, go to Content blocks section. You can then add a text or an image block to your dashboard.
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1.a) Widgets

Multiple actions can be applied on the widgets: rename, clone, delete, drag and drop, resize, edit.


If the widget is a view, Edit widget will open the view in full screen and you will be able to configure it the same way as you did in sheets.

1.b) Filters

In order to filter the dashboard, click on the filter icon button and go to the Column section. This section is filled with all the columns available according to the existing view widgets.

Indeed, when a view widget is added, KAWA automatically updates the list of columns the user can filter on, and adds all the available column of the underlying sheet.


2) Presentations

Presentations work the same way as dashboards. You can add grid, chart and pivot table views. you can also add text and image blocks. The only difference is that you can also manage the pages of your presentation, and finally present it in full screen thanks to the Present button.